Introducing BruteForge: A Custom Wordlist Generator
BruteForge is a powerful tool designed to generate custom wordlists for brute-force attacks. Whether you're using predefined character sets or custom ones, BruteForge provides the flexibility to create wordlists tailored to your specific needs.
Installation and Setup:
Clone the Repository:
Navigate to the Directory:
python3 -h
Generate a Wordlist Using the Standard Character Set
To generate a wordlist using the standard character set (digits, uppercase and lowercase letters, and special characters) with word lengths between 4 and 6 characters:
Predefined Character Sets
- Use digits: -c digits
- Use lowercase letters: -c lowercase
- Use uppercase letters: -c uppercase
- Use special characters: -c special
Custom Character Set
Verbose Mode
To display detailed progress information during the wordlist generation process, you can add the -v or --verbose option:
BruteForge empowers you to generate tailored wordlists for brute-force attacks, giving you control over the character sets and lengths. Whether you're using predefined sets or customizing your own, BruteForge is designed to be flexible and user-friendly, helping you efficiently create the wordlist.
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