BruteForge: A Custom Wordlist Generator

Introducing BruteForge: A Custom Wordlist Generator

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BruteForge is a powerful tool designed to generate custom wordlists for brute-force attacks. Whether you're using predefined character sets or custom ones, BruteForge provides the flexibility to create wordlists tailored to your specific needs.

Installation and Setup:

To begin using BruteForge, follow these steps.

Clone the Repository:

git clone

Navigate to the Directory:

cd BruteForge


Help menu - 

python3 -h

Generate a Wordlist Using the Standard Character Set

To generate a wordlist using the standard character set (digits, uppercase and lowercase letters, and special characters) with word lengths between 4 and 6 characters:

python3 -m 4 -M 6 -o wordlist.txt


This command will generate the wordlist and save it as wordlist.txt.

Predefined Character Sets

You can specify a particular character set using -c. For example:
  • Use digits: -c digits
  • Use lowercase letters: -c lowercase
  • Use uppercase letters: -c uppercase
  • Use special characters: -c special
To generate a wordlist with a particular character set:
python3 -c digits -m 4 -M 6 -o wordlist.txt

Custom Character Set

For a more customized wordlist, you can specify a custom character set. For instance, to use the character set abc123:

python3 -s "abc123" -m 4 -M 6 -o wordlist.txt

You can also combine a predefined character set with a custom character set. For example, using the digits character set along with abc123:

python3 -c digits -s "abc123" -m 4 -M 6 -o wordlist.txt

Verbose Mode

To display detailed progress information during the wordlist generation process, you can add the -v or --verbose option:

python3 -m 4 -M 6 -o wordlist.txt -v


BruteForge empowers you to generate tailored wordlists for brute-force attacks, giving you control over the character sets and lengths. Whether you're using predefined sets or customizing your own, BruteForge is designed to be flexible and user-friendly, helping you efficiently create the wordlist.

Disclaimer: BruteForge is intended for educational purposes and lawful security testing only. The misuse of this tool for unauthorized or malicious activities is strictly prohibited. Users are responsible for ensuring they have appropriate permissions to test the systems and networks on which they use this tool. The author and contributors are not liable for any misuse or damage caused by this tool.
