
Ngrok install and configur in termux.

Hello guys. If you are searching for install ngrok in termux , then you are in right place.

In this article we are going to know, what is ngrok and how install ngrok in termux.

What is ngrok ?

Ngrok is multiplatform tunneling and reverse proxy software that establishes secure tunnels from a public endpoint such as the internet to a locally running network service while capturing all traffic for detailed inspection and replay.

Install ngrok in termux.

Go to ngrok website. Click on sign up in ngrok website and sign up. 

Now click on Download for Linux (ARM) and download ngrok zip file.

( Screenshot will added soon. )

Now in same dashboard page copy the authtoken from 2.Connect your account.

( Screenshot will added soon. )

After downloaded the ngrok zip file.

• Now open file manager.

• Open download folder.

• Now you can see a ngrok zip file which you download from ngrok website. Now extract the file. Now after the extraction you will get ngrok file. Now click on that file and click on cut and paste in internal storage.

Open Termux and apply following commands.

apt-get update -y

apt-get upgrade -y


Now you can see a pop-up click on allow.

cd /sdcard

cp ngrok $HOME

cd $HOME

$ ls

Now you can see the ngrok file is in termux home directory.

$ chmod +x ngrok

$ ls

Now the ngrok file will turn's into green. Now paste the authtoken which you copied from ngrok website.
example: $ (authtoken)

After paste the authtoken click enter.

Now apply this command to start ngrok.

$ ./ngrok http 8080

Now you need to enable mobile hotspot.

Now whenever you need to start ngrok just apply this command.
$ ./ngrok http 8080

Now to stop ngrok just click on CTRL and c button.

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