create phishing page using weeman tool in termux.


Create phishing page

In this article I will show you, how can you make social media phishing pages by Weeman tool. This tool works on both Linux and Android (both rooted and non-rooted) 

Open Termux
Open the terminal and apply the following commands.

$ apt-get update -y

$ apt-get upgrade -y

$ pkg install python -y

$ pkg install python2 -y

$ pkg install git -y

$ git clone

$ cd weeman

$ python2

( Screenshots will be appear soon. )

Now open the browser and open a login page on which login page you want to clone. For example, I will clone the Facebook login page.

Now copy the login page url.

Now back to terminal

$ set url

$ set action_url

$ set port 8080

Now you need start Ngrok tunnel. It will expose the local tunnel to the internet via a secure connection.


$ ./ngrok http 8080

Now copy the URL who has at the end.

Now send this link to the victim which login credentials you want to takeover.

After successfully login that page.

Back to the terminal.

Now you will see the login details email and password.

Screenshot well be appear soon. )

Video tutorial will be appear soon. )

Thanks for visit our site.


  1. Why do we need to do the ngork think.....I checked out
    several other articles and they never mentioned the ngork thing


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